
Training Center

Our training center offers you several specialized courses in the field of the development of applications. In addition to these courses we are able to build you a plan of training for your IT environment. Be it for a complete technological turn over or to help you improve the skills of your IT staff, we are able to meet your expectations.

We build courses specially adapted to your environment of development environment or we offers you the possibilitiy to develop courses for your organization. All of our courses are offered in business and they are not publicly available.

A good training must help the personal of the company to improve its technological capabilities, respond to problems that have been identified, adapt to the customer environment to facilitate the assimilation of knowledge, put into practice taught technology and especially correspond precisely to the needs of the company.

Training Why?

The investment at the level of the training of the personal is a partic-ularly profitable for a company. This one will benefit from more competent workforce, more motivated and then more productive. Training also helps the employees of a company to feel valued and helps for development of a sense of belonging. This results in a low-er labour turnover rate. These benefits of training make the company better equipped to compete.


Training analysis needs help identifying opportunities for organiza-tion improvement, to improve management practices and to increase productivity. The execution of a good training plan allows to increasing the efficiency of employees and the profitability of the company. Training also allows efficiently managing the growth and can goes as far as helping a company to manage an insecure financial situation. It is considered as a tool directly related to the strategic objectives and to improvement opportunities.

